King shocks achieve unprecedented levels of performance and functionality. Our strict adherence to critical tolerances and our attention to detail combine to create a shock capable of producing real results with even minute adjustments.
Convenient regularly scheduled shock servicing can be performed at our facility with minimal turnaround times. Our experienced shock experts can easily spot unusual wear patterns and other anomalies that could lead to reduced performance before they become an issue. Service procedures include precision honing and polishing of shock cylinders, micro polishing of shafts, seal and wear band replacement, all using original replacement parts and precision processes for a perfect fit. Each factory serviced shock is pressure tested after assembly to verify proper function.
If you choose to do your own maintenance, all of our shocks are serviceable with our fully stocked rebuild kits that contain all necessary original parts. All King shocks are easily adjustable by anyone with simple tools and an understanding of shock construction and valving. A complete selection of tools to service your shocks is available directly from King.
For those of you who wish to take advantage of our depth of knowledge in setting up your new shocks or optimizing your existing set-up we offer weekly in the field shock servicing and tuning by appointment. Many teams include a tuning session before they go testing.
When it comes to race weekend we are there too, in the dirt, where you need us, with our fully stocked support trailer to handle any last minute needs including parts, re-valving or servicing. At King, our service to our customers is second to none.